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Author: Ron Graham

Isaiah Gleanings

Isaiah Gleanings
—Reference, outlines, and lessons

Index for Isaiah Gleanings. These studies include reference pages, outlines, and lessons gleaned from the book of Isaiah. Tap any title next to an arrow in the list below.

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Reference pages

Background to Isaiah (1)About Isaiah's ministry plus a chart of the kings of Judah. A reference for the student of Isaiah providing a background to the book.

Background to Isaiah (2)About the divided kingdom, plus a chart of the nations and peoples of Isaiah’s time.

Isaiah in the New Testament (1)Isaiah is frequently quoted in the New Testament, and this page gives you the references in New Testament order, and links them to the appropriate lesson in the series.

Isaiah in the New Testament (2)Same as the above, but the passages are listed in the order that you find them in Isaiah.

Map for Isaiah's TimeA nice big easy-to-read map showing the area in which Isaiah's ministry took place.

Outline of Isaiah

Outline of Isaiah 1 to 4The burden of the book. A poem and trilogy of laments about Judah. Outline includes explanatory notes.

Outline of Isaiah 5 to 8The Lord’s vineyard. Isaiah’s calling. The Assyrian invasion.

Outline of Isaiah 9 to 12The coming Christ. The arm of the Lord protects Judah. The destroyer will be destroyed. Christ's new kingdom.

Outline of Isaiah 13-14Fall of Babylon predicted. Taunt against its king. Outline includes note on the name Lucifer

Outline of Isaiah 15-19Oracles to numerous kingdoms. Philistia, Moab, Damascus and Ephraim, Ethiopia, Egypt.

Outline of Isaiah 20-23Oracles to numerous kingdoms. Egypt and Ethiopia, Babylon, Dumah, Arabia, Judah, Tyre and Sidon.

Outline of Isaiah 24-27A bracket of trilogy poems, about the end of the world and the day of judgment.

Outline of Isaiah 28-31Warnings to Jerusalem —especially that help should not be sought from Egypt.

Outline of Isaiah 32-35The King in his beauty. The nations and God’s kingdom. Although in the nearer future Judah will undergo great suffering and loss, there is a time in the more distant future when a king will reign in a new Jerusalem that will never pass away.

Outline of Isaiah 36-39About Hezekiah and Sennacherib. God helped king Hezekiah in Jerusalem to save the city from destruction by Sennacherib king of Assyria. Hezekiah’s life and reign extended.

Outline of Isaiah 40-44God’s messages to Judah and the Remnant of Israel. Isaiah looks into the next two centuries beyond the Babylonian captivity to the fall of Babylon, the rise of Persia, and the rebuilding of Jerusalem.

Outline of Isaiah 45-48Isaiah predicts that a man called Cyrus would be king of Persia and Babylon would fall.

Outline of Isaiah 49-51Hope on the horizon —Christ for the world.

Outline of Isaiah 52-55Hope in Christ the Redeemer, the Lamb of God. The glory of his coming kingdom.

Outline of Isaiah 56-59Principles followed by those who hope to see and enter that new Zion —such as penitence and faithfulness, justice and mercy, wisdom and integrity.

Outline of Isaiah 60-62The hope of Heaven. The Messiah’s song of joy and gladness. Lo your salvation comes.

Outline of Isaiah 63-66Isaiah’s prayer and God’s reply. God speaks of the final things in the distant future, of Heaven and of hell.

Lessons gleaned from Isaiah

The Three Words of IsaiahIsaiah speaks three times in response to the things he sees and hears in his vision of God. His words express the innermost and deepest feelings of every dedicated child of God.

Filthy RagsThe statement, “All our righteousness is like filthy rags” (Isaiah 64:4-9) has caused a deep struggle in many hearts. Does it mean our righteousness has no value in God's eyes?

Man of SorrowsPerhaps the chief chapter of Isaiah is 53, the prophecy of the suffering Servant.

Turning Sorrow to JoyThe sorrow portrayed in Isaiah 53 is sorrow that turns into joy. There are three ways that this is true.

Life Changing WordsThe Queen’s treasurer from Ethiopia had been to worship in Jerusalem. As he sat in his chariot on his way home, travelling the lonely road, he was reading from the book of Isaiah. The passage he was reading when Philip ran up to his chariot and greeted him, was Isaiah 53:7-8.

Called by a New NameExpressing his zeal for the glory and salvation of Zion, the prophet Isaiah said, “You shall be called by a new name which the mouth of the Lord shall designate” (Isaiah 62:2).

Isaiah's SonWe take a look at the prophecy in Isaiah 7:14. In this lesson we consider the nearer fulfillment, in the person of Isaiah’s son.

A Virgin Shall ConceiveWe compare Isaiah 7:14 with Matthew 1:23 and consider the words of Isaiah as quoted by Matthew, “Behold, the virgin shall be with child and shall bear a Son, and they shall call his name Immanuel”.

Voice in the WildernessIsaiah 40 is very beautiful. It is a poem about the time and coming of Christ, followed by an exhortation to recognize him as the likeness and true image of Almighty God.

Light in the DarknessOne of the great themes of Isaiah is spiritual light and darkness. The early chapters of Isaiah include four strong statements about light and darkness.

The Word Shall Go ForthA lengthy study drawn from nine prophecies in Isaiah, quoted in the New Testament, predicting the gospel of Christ.

The Blessings of DavidA lesson from Isaiah about the sure mercies and blessings of David and their meaning for Christians. This lesson, the house and throne of David.

The Blessings of DavidA lesson from Isaiah about the sure mercies and blessings of David and their meaning for Christians. This lesson, the tabernacle, and city of David.

The Blessings of DavidA lesson from Isaiah about the sure mercies and blessings of David and their meaning for Christians. This lesson, the key of David, his God and sure mercies.

Isaiah's LambExposition of a key chapter in Isaiah (chapter 53) about the lamb of God, his life, death, and glory.

Vain WorshipWhen Jesus quotes Isaiah 29:13 in Matthew 15:7-9, he uses the translation, “In vain do they worship me...” The verse in Isaiah reveals three elements of worship that make it vain.

A Day of SalvationA main thread running through the book of Isaiah is the message of salvation from the awful destruction that God brings upon the wicked.

The God Who SeeksA lesson from Isaiah. The Most High God helps mankind to seek and find Him, but most reject Him.

Tomorrow We May DieFive passages from Isaiah that are quoted in the New Testament, and which lead us to think about the uncertainty of this life compared to the certainty of what lies beyond.

Christ and His ChurchThe New Testament writers Peter and Paul, draw on the words of Isaiah the prophet when they are teaching about the relationship of Christ to the church. The apostles draw our attention to three images in Isaiah’s poetry.

The Mind of the LordWe look at two passages in Isaiah, and three references to these passages by Paul when he compares the mind of the Lord to the mind of man.

Do Not Be in Fear (1)As we read through Isaiah, we keep coming across this theme: Don’t fear your enemies but do fear the Lord.

Do Not Be in Fear (2)Continuing the above study.

Root and FruitIn this age of short cuts and quick fixes, we sometimes forget the principle that roots have to be established downwards before fruit can be borne upward.

The King in His Beauty (Isaiah 33:17) This one small verse is rich with hope and encouragement, not only for Jerusalem in its dark days, but also for us in these Last Days. One day, the righteous will be given new eyes to behold the Heavenly King, in the new Jerusalem, in that faraway land where the righteous will dwell forever.


Webservant Ron Graham

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