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FEBRUARY 2025, Hearing, Fearing, and Bearing ChristJesus calls on all of us to HEAR his words, FEAR his authority, and BEAR his burden. He spoke only what his Father gave him to speak. He will punish those who do not listen, and reward those who do, provided they obey and bear his burden together with him.

FEBRUARY 2025, Walk the Way, Tell the Truth, Live the LifeIf you, or anyone else, wants to come to the Father to have his blessing, be reconciled to him, and escape his wrath, you can do it. However, there is only one way —Jesus.

JANUARY 2025, A Blessing and a Curse —The Creation came into being by God’s Word. Now God saw that all his creation was good. The earth was blessed. Then Satan came, and his word caused man and woman to knowingly defy God’s word, bringing in a curse of eternal separation from the life of God. However, God provided a way of salvation, a blessing of everlasting life, to counteract the curse.

JANUARY 2025, 1Timothy 6:5,10,17 Madness, Sadness, GladnessIn First Timothy chapter 6, Paul writes about how Christians should regard the world they live in. He mentions three relationships that one can have with the world. In this lesson we call them Madness, Sadness, and Gladness. The last one is of course the one we should choose.

JANUARY 2025, Not All Things in Visions are RealVisions in the Bible were not made up by man. Those who recorded visions really did see them. Not all the objects seen in the visions are real, but the things they signify are absolutely real.

JANUARY 2025, The King in His Beauty (Isaiah 33:17) This one small verse is rich with hope and encouragement, not only for Jerusalem in its dark days, but also for us in these Last Days. One day, the righteous will be given new eyes to behold the Heavenly King, in the new Jerusalem, in that faraway land where the righteous will dwell forever.

DECEMBER 2024 Like a Thief in the Night The day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. (1Thessalonians 5:2,4). Christ’s coming is not like a thief in every way, but only in one respect. Let's look at how Jesus WON'T come like a thief, then we will see in what way he WILL come like a thief.

DECEMBER 2024, Why Open the Bible A List of good reasons why we should open the Bible and study it carefully. We also include some bad reasons for opening the Bible just in case you are unaware of them.

DECEMBER 2024, Is This Your Life's Story?Is the story of your life like that of Adam and Eve? God created them in God's own image. They were in a close relationship with him. However, Satan came and messed that up. They fell from grace. Nevertheless, through the ages, God has promised a Saviour, the only Son of God. He was willing to be the necessary sacrifice for sin so that he could securely possess all who truly believe in him.

NOVEMBER 2024, How the Word was HeardActs chapter two is about Peter and the other apostles preaching the gospel in Jerusalem. The chapter not only tells us what Peter preached, but also gives us insight into the hearts of the hearers, and this lesson identifies that insight.

NOVEMBER 2024, Whoever Comes is Not Cast OutIn John 6:37 Jesus tells us three important things. First, the people he saves are given him by his Father. Second, Jesus wants people to come to him of their own willingness. Thirdly, Jesus will never refuse salvation to anyone who comes to him.

OCTOBER 2024, Bible Kings and Prophets Chart A chart listing side by side the kings of Israel, kings of Judah, and the prophets.

OCTOBER 2024, Troubled by ThornsAmong the mentions of thorns in the Bible, four references stand out. One passage is about a thorn in the flesh, inflicted by Satan. A second is about the thorns of the world that distract us from Jesus. A third is about the crown of thorns worn by Jesus. The fourth is about the thorns that grew in the desolation of Jerusalem.

OCTOBER 2024, Growing in Faith (2Thessalonians 1:3)Paul is greatly encouraged by the church of the Thessalonians. He says, 'We are bound to always give thanks to God for you, brothers, just as it is appropriate to do, because your faith grows exceedingly...' (2Thessalonians 1:3). These opening words of Paul describe a kind of faith that is widely forgotten today.

SEPTEMBER 2024, Facts About the Last Day Resurrection A List of Bible facts about the general resurrection on the Last Day. We look at what the scriptures reveal about that coming resurrection. A neat and simple list for reference.

SEPTEMBER 2024, Myth and Make Believe?It is a common belief that much of the Bible, especially the historical content, is myth and make-believe. But are the stories fact or fable? Some say the stories in the Bible are symbolic of spiritual realities and are therefore valid even if untrue in a literal sense.

AUGUST 2024, The Three Glories This lesson looks at Glory from three viewpoints: (1) The glory God gives to his Son Jesus Christ; (2) The glory God gives to us; and (3) The glory we give to God.

AUGUST 2024, Faith and Science - 3 IssuesWe consider Science and Faith, addressing three issues that relate to faith and science. They are: Evidence, Essence, and Enemies.

AUGUST 2024, Bible Examples of God's Oneness A List of Bible Examples of the oneness of God. We look at what the scriptures reveal about God's oneness. Just a neat simple list for reference. There are several ways in which God is one.

JULY 2024, Is Mars for Man?Man visited the moon last century and came back home. Well now, in this 21st century, greater plans are afoot. Some people of earth wish to migrate to Mars to build a city there. The project has already begun. But does God approve?

JUNE 2024, Are There Aliens on Earth?Popular science often asks the question, Are we alone? Many believe that extraterrestrial beings leave another world, visit Earth, and even live among us. Is this true according to the Bible? If so, do these aliens give us assurance of our salvation from Earth's destruction?

JUNE 2024, Bible Verses About Love A List of Bible verses about Love. We look at what the scriptures reveal about Love. Just a neat simple list for reference.

JUNE 2024, AI is Not God, God is Not AISome people think that there is no God at present, but that Artificial Intelligence will one day take on the role of God. That god will be a god we can believe in and so do away with atheism.

MAY 2024, Bible Firsts Genesis 1 to 4 A List of Bible firsts in Genesis chapters 1 to 4. We cite the verses for each first. Just a neat simple list for reference.

MAY 2024, No Other GospelA curse is a bad thing. Nobody wants one. Well then, we had all better test the gospel we preach with the gospel Paul preached. Do we match, or do we differ? (Galatians 1:8-9).

APRIL 2024, The Hearing of FaithFaith is essential to salvation. But hearing God’s word is essential to faith. You cannot just make up your own personal faith and truth from the thoughts you collect and the opinions you form. God’s word must be conveyed to you from the inspired writings of the apostles of Christ who preached that word. (Romans 10:16-18).

MARCH 2024, Preaching, Preparation, Patience (2Timothy 4:2)Some preach only love, grace, hope, comfort, peace, and suchlike. They preach only what is positive to make people feel good. But we must also reprove and rebuke. We must do so in patience and truth, yet we must do so nevertheless (2Timothy 4:2).

MARCH 2024, James Rebukes ArroganceJames's message is not against doing business, but against the arrogance of thinking you are in control of your life. God is in control, not you. He can allow your business to fail, and even your life to disappear, when you least expect it (James 4:13-17).

MARCH 2024, Sons of God Clothed with ChristMany will agree with Paul that faith precedes coming into Christ and into sonship with God. It is hard, however, to find anyone who will agree with Paul that baptism precedes being clothed with Christ (Galatians 3:26-29). That is something that people find hard to hear.

MARCH 2024, Pillar and Ground (1Timothy 3:15)In the Bible, the church is not a place to be entertained. The church is "the pillar and ground of the truth." We should look to God’s church to hear and receive God’s truth, not psychological hype or human idealism.

FEBRUARY 2024, Jesus is Lord (Acts 2:36)Jesus is not just one of many good teachers, or just one of many great Lights. He is the one Lord and the only sacrifice that can take away sins. No one else will do.


Webservant Ron Graham

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