➤ Ugly Beauty and Ugliness —Beauty and ugliness are opposites which both appear prominently in the Bible. Especially in the cross of Christ we see disgusting ugliness contrasted to supreme beauty. Yes there is “wondrous beauty” in the cruel death of Christ.
➤ Um? Bible quiz series SERIES —All quiz pages contain thirty questions or you can play with Quizmaster.
➤ Umbrella Umbrella Religion —Umbrellas have obvious shortcomings. There are similar shortcomings in many people’s religion.
➤ Understanding Jesus Made Me Understand My Life —We are taught by the example of Jesus to think of ourselves as servants of others and to put their interests above our own. We are not at the center: others are. This may surprise you, because it is the lost secret of a happy life.
➤ Unconditional Unconditional Election —Has God unconditionally chosen or elected some people for eternal life, whilst passing others by?
➤ Understanding Five Principles of Understanding —Five attitudes and acts of the mind are required in order to gain an understanding of the word and will of God.
➤ Understanding 7 Ems of Spiritual Understanding SERIES —A study series based in Paul’s letter to the Colossians. It examines seven basic elements of the enlightening gospel and its ministry. Each topic starts with the letter M.
➤ Understanding Bible Interpretation SERIES —These lessons address the principles of Bible interpretation, and how one derives authority for what is taught and done in the name of Christ.
➤ Unencumbered life The Unencumbered Life —The choices you make in this life should be like Mary’s not Martha’s. The word of Jesus is available to you. Seize every opportunity to listen and consider. Don't let yourself be distracted by things that matter less. Keep them in their proper place. Remember worldly things, as good as they might be, are not eternal. Leave plenty of room for “that good part” of life.
➤ Unforgiving Parable of The Unforgiving Slave —There is more in Pilate’s inscription on the cross of Christ than meets the eye. It seems even Pilate intended more to be read into it than he actually wrote.
➤ Unique The Unique One —In this lesson on John 1, we will look at what makes Jesus unique.
➤ United Spiritual Wellbeing —The various elements of spiritual wellbeing and joy in Jesus are shown in an outline summary of Paul’s letter to the Philippians.
➤ Unity Christian Unity —Christ’s Prayer, Paul’s Plea, God’s Plan for the Unity of Believers.
➤ Unity Abstinence and Unity —How can we resolve disunity about whether it is right or wrong to consume alcoholic drinks?
➤ Unity Unity and Division —God’s people are meant to be one people, undivided, joined together by Christ, one in doctrine, direction, and devotion. Jesus prayed that his disciples would be one just as he and his Father are one (John 17:21)
➤ Universal flood The Great Flood —Did the great flood cover Planet Earth entirely, or the vicinity of Messopotamia only?
➤ Universal promises God's Magnificent Promises —God’s promises are very great and precious. Let's believe and appreciate them, act upon them, assure our hearts with them.
➤ Universe origin Hebrews 11:1-4 —The Hebrew writer helps us to focus on the quality of the faith authored and perfected by Christ. We are simply reminded of several inspiring examples of Godly men and women in Old Testament times who believed in Christ and sought eternal life.
➤ Unknown The Unknown Disciples (Romans 16) —A study of Romans 16 which names about 30 persons of whom we know nothing except what we find in this chapter.
➤ Unlimited Unlimited Forgiveness —A Bible study about whether God would ever refuse to forgive one who repents and comes to him through Christ.
➤ Unloving What 1st John Says About Love (1) —Jesus Christ is the origin and example of true godly love. Love does not smile sweetly at sin. Rather, love demands obedience to God’s word.
➤ Unreserved Unreserved Forgiveness —What reservations should we have about forgiving wrongs? Let's examine some common reservations.
➤ Unrighteous Steward Stewards of God’s Grace (Parables) —about the parables of the Talents, the Wicked Tenant Farmers, and the Unrighteous Steward.
➤ Unsettling The Unsettling (Outreach) —In the fourth step, a person is brought face to face with his own error, disobedience, neglect, or need. The purpose is to help a person and confront what God requires, to awaken conscience, and to test honesty. This is a critical moment.
➤ Untruth Untruths About God’s Truth —Looks at some of the untrue statements people make about the Bible.
➤ Until Two Untils, One Unless (Matthew 5) —In Matthew 5:18 the word “until” is used twice, and “unless” is used once, underlining three important facts .about the law
➤ Upholding Upholding Law SERIES —There are certain doctrines about divine law that are misleading. This series examines how the law of Christ fits in with faith, grace, and other important matters discussed in the scriptures.
➤ Ups and downs Adventures of Joseph —The time of the promises to Abraham spans the generations of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. It also includes the marvelous story and time of Jacob’s son Joseph (Genesis 35-50).
➤ Urge Urge (Principles for Preachers) —Explanation of the way simplybible.com tries to teach.
➤ Using Using Our Brains —The role of the human mind in using the scriptures as our authority and applying the scriptures to self.
➤ Utterances Seven Utterances on the Cross —This study considers seven short sentences that Jesus uttered during his crucifixion.