➤ Tabernacle The Tabernacle and Priesthood —Making of the tabernacle and appointment of the priesthood at Mount Sinai (Exodus 25-40, Leviticus 1-27, Numbers 1-10).
Note —TABERNACLE: The tabernacle was the original ornate tent of meeting for worship under the law of Moses. It was used before the temple was built in Jerusalem.
➤ Taboos Cultish Taboos (1Tim 4) —When a church is established, there is a passion for the truth. In later times, however, there comes a falling away.
➤ Taboos The Taboos You Observe —We think about about the religious rules and taboos that people impose on themselves and others.
➤ Takes away What Forgiveness Takes Away —This lesson helps you to properly understand forgiveness from God.
➤ Talents Stewards of God's Grace (Parables) —about the parables of the Talents, the Wicked Tenant Farmers, and the Unrighteous Steward.
Note —TALENT: in English means ability. However, the meaning of the word in the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30 cf Luke 19:12-28) is a measure (around 30kg of gold or silver). So the slaves in the parable were given talents according to their talents!
➤ Tapestry Threads in Romans —An appendix to the studies in Romans. Contrasted threads of thought in Paul’s writing.
➤ Tares Parable of the Weeds in the Field —Jesus uses weeds in the field to illustrate a critical lesson.
Note —TARES: It is uncertain just what plant is referred to. The Greek word is ζιζανια (zizania), which is used only once in the Bible (Matthew 13:24-30). Apparently a weed that looks like wheat when young, and becomes evident when the true wheat sets a fruiting head.
➤ Tarsus Acts Facts —What the book of Acts tells us happened in Tarsus. Includes a map of the region.
➤ Tasted (Hebrews 6:5) Apostasy and its Consequences —What is lost when one falls away from grace? What is the doom of those who fall?
➤ Teaching Teaching in Moab —By Moses God instructed the Israelites who were on the verge of taking possession of the promised land. God also counselled the nations in that land through prophets such as Balaam (Deuteronomy 1-34).
➤ Teaching Five Marks of Good Teaching —Good teaching is essential to the growth and continuity of the church and of each soul who listens to the teacher. There are five marks that distinguish good teaching from bad.
➤ Teetotaller Abstinence and The Teetotaller —Discusses the question of whether one must practise total abstinence from alcoholic drinks.
➤ Teleological Toward Our Goal —Ten principles for achieving any worthwhile goal, especially a Christian goal.
➤ Tell Lookup —Our cyber clerk will give you a list of lessons.
➤ Temple The Destruction of Jerusalem —This lesson brings us to the last of the twelve Times of Israel, and concentrates on Matthew 24.
➤ Temple By What Authority Do You Do These Things? —Jesus drove the merchants out of the temple. The temple leaders questioned his authority. We look at their impudence, hypocrisy and dishonesty, and observe how Jesus answered (Matthew 21:12-15, 23-27).
➤ Temple The Order of Melchizedek —Melchizedek was not only a king; he was also a priest of the Most High God. Melchizedek symbolized Christ and his new priesthood and law.
➤ Temple Ezekiel Chapters 40-41-42 —Chapters 40, 41, and 42 of Ezekiel are outlined and analysed. These chapters are about Ezekiel's vision of an ideal temple being carefully measured.
Note —TEMPLE CLEANSED: There were two occasions on which Jesus drove people from the temple. The first is recorded in John 2:13-22, the second in Matthew 21:12-13.
➤ Temple veil The Last Sin Offering —One of the signs which accompanied Christ’s sacrificial death, took place in the inner sanctum of the house of animal sacrifice: “Behold the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom” (Matthew 27:51)
➤ Temptation Lead Us Not Into Temptation —A look at the example prayer that Jesus gave to his disciples.
➤ Temptation How God Helps Us in Temptation —Instead of feeling rejected or guilty when we are tempted, we can feel closer to God since he knows how to rescue the godly out of temptation and he is a very present help in trouble.
➤ Ten Commandments The Ten Commandments —The laws written on tablets of stone at Horeb, are an important part of the Bible. However they were not the basic law of God as many people consider them to be.
➤ Ten Commandments The Ten Commandments Belong to the Old Testament —This lesson is about the ten commandments. We see that the ten commandments written on stones belong to the law of Moses (the old testament), not to the law of Christ (the new Testament).
➤ Ten Commandments Death of the Tencommandments —Old Testament issues. A study in 2Corinthians 3, comparing the ten commandments with the new covenant and epistle of Christ.
➤ Tenkomanmen Tenkomanmen i Stap long Oltestamen Nomo —Hemia wan lessen blong Baebol longsaed blong Tenkomanmen. Nao tenkomanmen ya, i stap long oltestamen nomo, we i bin kamtru long Moses. Tenkomanmen ya, i no stap long niutestamen we i kamtru long Jisas Kraes.
➤ Ten tribes [lost] The Assyrian Captivity —The beginning of the captivities as the larger kingdom (Israel) falls to Assyria and its people are taken away to foreign lands. Includes a table of the kings and prophets of Judah and Israel, plus a short piece on the supposed Ten Lost Tribes.
➤ Ten virgins Empty House, Empty Lamps —About failing to properly hear and obey God’s word, and to get ready for the judgment. Remarks on the parable of the wise and foolish virgins at the wedding.
➤ Tenses Saved in Three Tenses —There are, so to speak, three tenses of salvation: we have been saved, we are being saved, and we shall be saved.
➤ Tent of worship The Tabernacle and Priesthood —Making of the tabernacle and appointment of the priesthood at Mount Sinai (Exodus 25-40, Leviticus 1-27, Numbers 1-10).
➤ Tertullus Acts 24:1-27. —These verses describe how Paul was examined by Felix in Caesarea with Tertullus and the Jews accusing Paul.
➤ Testament The Gospel According to the Old Testament —This sermon outline presents the gospel using only the Old Testament scriptures.
➤ Testament Do Christians Need the Old Testament —Are the Old Testament scriptures needed and to be heeded by Christians, or are the New Testament Scriptures sufficient?
➤ Testament A New Covenant SERIES —A study about the change of covenants from the old Mosaic law to the gospel of Christ. We ask and answer some pertinent questions about this change.
➤ Testimony The R in Glory ~ Jesus the Revealer —The PROCLAMATION of Jesus as the REVEALER who manifested God and preached the gospel of eternal life.
➤ Testing More Than Conquerors —We can have a conquering faith in Jesus though we are tested by many tribulations. True faith stands the test and wins victory.
➤ Testing God The Lie that Brought Death —Ananias and Sapphira told a lie. The account in Acts 5, is one of the most unsettling stories in the Bible.
➤ Thankfulness Spiritual Wellbeing —The various elements of spiritual wellbeing and joy in Jesus are shown in an outline summary of the letter.
➤ Thanks Giving Thanks to Jesus —At the end of Hebrews, we are reminded of some of the Christian duties that those who respond to divine grace will always remember in order to show gratitude toward God.
➤ Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Living —An important part of prayer is thanksgiving. The Bible says thirteen surprising things about the gratitude attitude.
➤ Thessalonians 1st Thessalonians SERIES —This is a verse by verse study of Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians. The 1st letter is divided into five topical sections.
➤ Thessalonians 2nd Thessalonians SERIES —This is a verse by verse study of Paul’s second letter to the Thessalonians. The 2nd letter is divided into five topical sections.
➤ Thessalonians Second Coming in Thessalonians —A study (against Preterism) of Paul’s statements about the second coming of Christ in the letters to Thessalonica.
➤ Thessalonians Acts 17:1-15. —about Paul’s experiences and work in Thessalonica and Berea, with Silas and Timothy, during his second missionary journey.
➤ Thessalonica Acts Facts —What the book of Acts tells us happened in Thessalonica. Includes a map of the region.
➤ Thief The Sheepfold Parables (John 10) —about parables that liken the kingdom of God to a sheepfold with Christ as the Shepherd.
➤ Thief A Thief in the Night — Paul teaches about the second coming of Christ. Christians believe not only that Christ died for our sins, rose from the dead, and ascended into glory, but also that he his coming again in the future to judge the world. (1Ths 4:13 to 5:11)
➤ Thief Like a Thief in the Night — The day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. (1Thessalonians 5:2,4). Christ’s coming is not like a thief in every way, but only in one respect. Let's look at how Jesus WON'T come like a thief, then we will see in what way he WILL come like a thief.
➤ Thief The Dying Thief —The story of the dying thief on the cross does not teach us how to become a Christian.
➤ Things Things We All Share —A list of 20 reasons why it is silly for Christians to squabble with one another.
➤ Thinking Edified by Superior Thought —Continuing Paul’s theme, "We worship God in the Spirit, and glory in Christ Jesus, and put no confidence in the flesh" (Philippians 3:3), we consider what kind of thinking edifies the spiritually minded.
➤ Thinking Chain Thinking to Understand the Bible —Chain thinking is something we all do constantly. There are three kinds of chain thinking. All three have an important place when we are trying to understand follow the Bible.
➤ Thinking Book in Your Hands, Head on Your Shoulders —A study of reason and revelation, the relationship between our thoughts and divine thoughts, human judgment and scriptural authority.
➤ Third day Arrival at Sinai —The Israelites’ arrival at Mount Sinai, some of the events there, and God’s appearance on the mountain (Exodus 19-35). Plus a table of the Stages of the Wilderness Wanderings.
➤ Thirst The Beatitudes (2) —The meek, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, and the merciful.