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Author: Ron Graham


Saved in Three Tenses
—Have been saved, are being saved, shall be saved

This lesson may seem to be a statement of the obvious. However what is obvious to some is not obvious to others.

The Scriptures speak of being saved in three tenses and senses. In one place the scriptures say that we "have been saved" (past). In another place they say that we "are being saved" (present). In yet another place they say that we "shall be saved" (future).

All these statements are true. An understanding of how we are saved in three senses and tenses, helps to avoid wrong ideas about salvation, whilst helping us gain a true assurance of salvation.

1 We Have Been Saved (2Timothy 1:9)

Our Past Salvation

There is a sense in which God has already saved each and every Christian. In this sense salvation is equated with the forgiveness of sins.

2 We Are Being Saved (1Corinthians 1:18)

Our Present Salvation

There is a sense in which God is still saving each and every Christian. In this sense salvation is equated with the Christian's growth and perseverance.

3 We Shall Be Saved (Romans 5:9-10)

Our Promised Salvation

There is a sense in which salvation is a future event. In this sense salvation is equated with the second coming of Christ.


Webservant Ron Graham

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