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Author: Ron Graham


Jisas i bin Givim Laef blong hem
—Laef ya i stret olgeta

From wanem Jisas i givim laef blong hem? Baebol i talem se, "From we Pikinini blong God i ded, hem i mekem yumi kam ol fren blong hem. Mo naoia, we yumi kam fren blong hem finis, oraet i klia moa se from we Kraes i laef bakegen, bambae God i sevem yumi" (Rom 5:10).

1 Laef blong yumi

Yumi evriwan oli bon stret olgeta, from God i mekem yumi. Evri samting we God i mekem, i gud we i gud tumas. Everi samting we God i givim, i stret olgeta (Ol Sam 139:13-14 ). God oltaem i stap givim ol gudfala samting nomo long yumi (Jemes 1:17). So taem yumi smol pikinini nomo, yumi nogat sin nating. Be yumi bin bon long wol ya we i no stret, i krangke, mo i spolem yumi. Adam i statem fasin blong sin. Behaen yumi folem fasin ya samtaem. Yumi bin mekem sin olsem Adam so yumi spolem gudfala samting we God i bin givim yumi fastaem (Rom 3:23, Rom 5:12).

2 Laef blong Jisas

Jisas Kraes hem i no mekem sin olsem yumi. Jisas i mekem fasin blong hem i olsem tok we hem i talem se, "Fasin blong yufala i mas stret gud olsem fasin blong Papa blong yufala we i stap long heven" (Matiu 5:48). Olgeta samting blong traem yumi oli traem hem finis. Be wan samting nomo: hem i no mekem eni sin nating (Hibrus 4:15). Setan i traem Jisas long spesel fasin (Matiu 4:1-11). Mo tu Jisas i gotru long plante narafala hadtaem (Luk 22:28). Be Jisas i no foldaon nating, i stanap strong oltaem.

Taem i kam klosap long ded long kros, hem i harem nogud from. Mo from tingting blong hem i trabol tumas, swet blong hem i stap drop long graon olsem blad nomo (Luk 22:44). Be hem i prea long Papa blong hem long heven, "Yu mekem olsem we yu nomo yu wantem" (Luke 22:42). Hem i save gotru samting ya. Hem i strong, from i nogat sin.

3 Jisas i bin givim laef blong hem

Sapos yumi skelem laef blong yumi long saed laef blong Jisas. Jisas i winim yumi olgeta. Yumi nogat naf gudfala samting blong mekem God i hapi tumas long yumi. Nao God i mas jajem yumi nogud (Rom 3:23).

Be God i hapi tumas long Jisas. Long gladhat blong God, hem i letem Jisas i givim laef blong hem, mekem se laef ya i stap long ples blong laef blong yumi. Nao God, taem i jajem yumi, i no luk laef blong yumi nomo, i luk laef blong Jisas, we i obei God olgeta, gogo i ded long kros. Ded ya i wan sakrefaes we i save tekemaot olgeta sin blong olgeta man (Hibrus 9:14, 10:10, 1Jon 2:1-2).

Afta Jisas i ded, God i leftemap Jisas, nao hem i laef bakegen. "Sapos yumi bilif long God, se hem i mekem Jisas i laef bakegen, bambae God i luk yumi se yumi stret man long fes blong hem" (Rom 4:23-25).

4 Wanem yu mekem fastaem?

Sapos yu wantem olsem. ?Wanem yu mekem? Yu luk long letter blong Pol we i bin raetem long Rom. I gat sikis samting long hem we yu mas mekem. Plante narafala pasis long Bible tu i stap talem olsem ya, be i naf we yu luk long wan buk ya nomo fastaem.

Written in Bislama the national language of Vanuatu. Bislama is one of several creoles spoken in Australia and islands of the Pacific.


Webservant Ron Graham

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