Here is a simple chart of the six steps of obedience to the good news preached by Jesus, in order to receive grace. We match the teaching of Paul and Jesus.
The words of Paul in Romans (and his agreement with Jesus in the gospels) on what sinners should do to receive grace. Check these verses in your own Bible.
1. Hearing Christ's word (Romans 10:8-17, Matthew 7:24).
2. Believing —having faith (Romans 1:16-17, John 3:16)
3. Repentance from sin (Romans 2:4-5, 6:1-2, Luke 5:31-32)
4. Confessing Christ (Romans 10:8-10, Matthew 10:32)
5. Being baptized (Romans 6:3-4, Mark 16:15-16)
6. Ongoing commitment
(Romans 12:1-2, 12:11-12, Luke 9:62)
Part of a tract posted to all homes in greater Bundaberg Dec 2008