Dreaded Test and Assignment 3 —On preparing sermons
The test and assignment on this page belong to the training series "Success in the Pulpit".
1. Choose one of these three topics:
i. The Love of God
ii. A Prayer Filled Life
iii. Acceptable Worship
2. Write down three points that relate to the topic and to each other. State each point clearly and briefly.
3. Choose the point that you think might be the hardest for the audience to grasp, and consider how you could illustrate that point. Could you draw a diagram on the board, tell a Bible story, use an analogy, or in some other way make the point easier to grasp?
4. Take the quiz below to review previous lessons.
Questions for Review
1. What is the main part in the three parts of a lesson presentation? (A) Introduction, (B) Body, (C) Conclusion, (D) , (E) .
2. What is the purpose of a lesson’s introduction? (A) Gain attention, (B) State topic clearly, (C) Both of those.
3. What is the purpose of a lesson’s conclusion? (A) Sum up the lesson, (B) Close with a meaningful and memorable sentence, (C) Both of those.
4. What is the purpose of the body of a lesson? (A) To present the material in related and proven points, (B) To elaborate and illustrate the points where necessary, (C) Both of those.
5. What is allowable in the conclusion? (A) Draw main points together, (B) Introduce new points, (C) Both of those.
6. When should your theme and main idea become known to the audience? (A) In the introduction, (B) In the body of the lesson, (C) In the conclusion.
7. What is a signpost in preaching? (A) Any device that helps the audience to follow the path of your sermon, (B) A verse of scripture, (C) An illustration.