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Author: Ron Graham

Quizzes and Puzzles

Bible Quiz
—Set 7

Here's a quiz for you. Press the Show answer button —the answer will appear in its place.

1. Ecclesiastes 5:2 advises us about any utterance we make before God. What is the advice?

2. Daniel 7:18 makea a prophecy about God’s saints. What is the prophecy?

3. In 1John 3:11, what is the "message which you have heard from the beginning"?

4. 1Peter 4:11 tells "whoever speaks" in service to God to do what?

5. In Titus 2:13 we are told to look for something. What?

6. 1Timothy 3:15 mentions a pillar. In what connection?

7. The first word in Ephesians 5:25 is "Husbands". What are the next three words?

8. In Matthew 12:36-37 Jesus says something about our careless words. What ?

9. Romans 5:12 says why spiritual death spread to all men. Why did it?

10. What reason does Galatians 6:9 give for continuing to do good in the face of adversity?

11. According to Matthew 22:30, what will Christians be like in the resurrection?

12. In Romans 5:5 there is something that Christian hope does not do. What does hope not do?

13. In John 8:32 Jesus says, "You shall know the truth..." Finish the statement.

14. Ephesians 1:13 says, "You were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise". After doing what?

15. In Colossians 4:5, what is said about our conduct toward outsiders?

16. What reason does Matthew 26:28 give for the shedding of Christ’s blood?

17. According to Romans 1:17, what is revealed in the gospel?

18. In John 10:27, Jesus says three things about his sheep. What three things?

19. In 1Thessalonians 4:9-10 the brethren are urged to "excel still more". In what particularly?

20. 1Timothy 2:4 reveals God’s desire. What does God desire?

21. In Mark 7:13 some people were invalidating God’s word. How?

22. In Acts 20:32, we are commended to the word of God’s grace. Why?

23. In John 12:32-33 Jesus said, "And I, if I be lifted up..." Finish the sentence.

24. Mark 10:45 mentions a ransom. Describe it.

25. According to 1Timothy 3:6, why should a new convert not be appointed as an elder?

26. James 4:14 says there is something that we do not know. What don't we know?

27. James 1:5 tells us what to do if we lack wisdom. What should we do?

28. In Luke 6:31, Jesus states the rule by which we should treat others. What is the rule?

29. Philippians 4:19 shows what God will supply us. What will God supply?

30. In Nehemiah 8:1 and 8, two terms describe the same law. What two terms?


Webservant Ron Graham

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