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Author: Ron Graham

Sermon on Mount

Word Pictures
—Matthew 7

This page begins to study Matthew chapter 7 and more of the Sermon on the Mount.

1 In the Mind’s Eye

Matthew chapter 7 is rich in images or "word pictures".

2 Outline of Matthew 7

Third part of the Sermon on the Mount
Theme Matthew Luke
Judging 7:1-5 6:37-42
Casting pearls to pigs 7:6  
Ask of God 7:7-11 11:9-13
The Golden Rule 7:12 6:31
The two gates 7:13-14 13:24
False prophets 7:15-20 6:43-45
Doing God’s will 7:21-23  
The two houses in the flood 7:24-27 6:47-49
The authority of Christ 7:28-29  

3 Deep Thought

Deep Thought

These questions are for you to think about and discuss. Other parts of this lesson may help you with the answers.

1. Matthew chapter seven is rich in imagery. It is a chapter that shows Jesus’s amazing ability to make ideas come to life in the mind’s eye. There are ten "word pictures" in the chapter. I have identified them for you, but can you tell me what idea or lesson each word picture is meant to convey?

2. A person’s reputation or usefulness can be ruined because of hasty or shallow judgments which someone makes and expresses about that person. Verses 5 and 20 give us principles upon which to make good judgments. What are these principles?


Webservant Ron Graham

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