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Author: Ron Graham

Information Pages

Links to Other Websites
—Courtesy of

links A selection of websites that you might enjoy and find useful. I last checked these links, and edited the page, in April 2024. Please read the disclaimer. at the bottom of this page.

Showing only sites suitable for small screens.

Church Directory (Klesis)
churches of Christ in Australia

New Testament Manuscripts Online
The Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts, under the umbrella of The Center for the Research of Early Christian Documents (CRECD). Provides digital images of thousands of manuscripts ranging from fragments to many leaves.

King James Bible Online
This is an official site for the King James Bible. It is a well designed and helpful site featuring the King James Bible in its original form, and the more familiar Oxford revision of 1769.
This one is very sophisticated. Yet it's still easy to use. Every conceivable study aid is available on an orderly control panel. Type in a scripture reference and the entire control panel points its facilities to that verse. is the web version of the YouVersion Bible App. The website and the app are totally free. Over 1,200 Bible versions available in over 900 languages.

Bible Gateway
Lookup in several translations.

The World English Bible (WEB)
Modern English translation in Public Domain.

WEI Teaching English with the Bible
Unlike other Bible Correspondence Courses, WEI gathers students who are interested in learning the English language. The reading assignments are lessons from the Bible.

Truth For The World
An example of outreach by churches of Christ. Evangelism is alive.

House to House, Heart to Heart
Another excellent site by churches of Christ. Many resources. Editor Allen Webster.

The Right Path
Author Bill Bernasconi says, “Thank you, Lord, for allowing me to share my faith.”

An entire site devoted to baptism
Just about everything you could possibly need on the subject.

In Search of Truth
A number of articles and audio lessons and an online inter-active course. This site doesn't claim to have the truth, but it claims that Jesus has the truth, and we can find it, and this site does its best to help us.

La Vista Church of Christ
A large and modern quality website for your desktop or mobile phone. Lots of articles, sermons to listen to, and interesting discussions. (Interactive Bible)
This site has to be experienced. It uses diagrams and text to explain a number of important concepts in the Bible. Also provides many excerpts from early Christian writers.

David Tarbet Blog
David was a friend to me in my youth. You will really like his blog. It's a real interesting and helpful magazine.

Donald Wayne Stoner
This scientist (he calls himself a geek) not only knows a huge amount of science, he can clearly explain it. His description of the complexity of a living cell, for example, is amazing. His ideas may not all be agreeable, but he is clear and meticulous in explaining them.

Rays of Light Bible Studies.
Here's study site into which has gone many years of work. Keith Holder has written over 1000 studies through the whole Bible.

David's Bible Megasite.
Here's a study site worth checking out. David Bryant is too ill to go to church so this is how he worships God. He takes you to many interesting study sites, and you back-button back to him.

Traces of the Kingdom
A very interesting an informative site, well illustrated, about the history of churches of Christ in Britain, from  aboutAD1000.

This lady is an artist. She paints the visions John describes. Visit her online gallery.
This is a website on the Bible and science —you decide if it's right.

Does God Exist?
This is a straightforward website on the Bible and science treating them as friends, not enemies.

Macquarie Church of Christ (Sydney Australia)
Includes Macquarie School of Biblical Studies (MSOBS).

Directory (Klesis)
churches of Christ in Australia

Australian magazine with articles and news. Free pdf—download.

Simplybible on YouTube is the main YouTube channel for which you may like to visit. This channel by Ron Graham has a variety of videos, including Bible slide shows with voice over. Tap the title above, next to the arrow, to go to that channel.

World Video Bible School on YouTube
Bible study channel from the USA. It says, "World Video Bible School® is a non-profit work privileged to have served Christians since 1986 by making teaching materials for the church’s use worldwide. Our goal is the same as it has always been, to serve God and His people by doing His will to the best of our ability. We are committed to producing and distributing excellent quality, scripturally sound, inexpensively priced Bible study material through video, audio and the written page." Tap the title above, next to the arrow, to go to that channel.

Peterborough Church of Christ on YouTube
David Hepburn preacher at Peterborough church of Christ in England has some exellent video lessons. Tap the title above, next to the arrow, to go to that channel.

Bundaberg Church on facebook.
The church of Christ Bundaberg shares information and encouragement. You may need to login to facebook.
This page is’s own connection to facebook. You may need to login to facebook.

Disclaimer Grumpy Disclaimer

Although I provide a link to a site, this does not mean that I recommend and agree with all its teaching. You have to "examine everything carefully and hold fast to what is good".

Where a site provides further links to other sites, I take no responsibility for that at all.

Church directories may be out of date, and may have listings that include errant churches. I am unable to rectify that.

Where sites are on free space, advertising may appear on your screen over which the webmasters have no control. Some of this advertising may be offensive or dangerous. Please be warned and don't blame me.

The links on this page should be safe, however it's up to you to keep your security software up to date.

Bible websites and apps listed on this page may offer material in addition to Bible. For example there may be commentaries, notes, topical studies, and devotionals. It is up to you to compare these teachings with the Bible’s own words.

If all the above sounds grumpy, I disclaim all responsibility for that too. All good disclaimers sound grumpy.


Webservant Ron Graham

Copyright on print