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Author: Ron Graham

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Challenge And Change
—In our walk with God

A collection of lessons on a variety of topics. However these lessons do have something in common. They challenge you to make some important improvement or change in the way you walk with God and worship him. Tap any title next to an arrow in the list below.

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At the CrossroadsThere are times in everyone's lives when they are likely to meet Jesus at the crossroads, times when some great change or challenge occurs.

Why Walk a Narrow Road?Lesson on Matthew 7:13-14. Why enter by the narrow gate and walk the difficult path that few follow? Why not rather follow the crowds and take the easy road?

Umbrella ReligionUmbrellas have obvious shortcomings. There are similar shortcomings in many people's religion.

A Sense of OccasionA study based on Nehemiah 8 regarding a sense of occasion in worship, including desire, decorum and doctrine.

NotionsExamines different notions of discipleship and different expressions and styles of religious faith and worship.

A Pleasing SacrificeChristians are to offer pleasing sacrifices to God but not for sin. These include the sacrifice of praise (Hebrews 13:15-16).

It's Not Your Big ToeShort article and a sermon outline about the tongue and unwholesome speech.

Right and Wrong JudgmentA simplified version of an old sermon outline of mine concerning right and wrong judgment.

Ready to AnswerLesson from 1Peter 3:15 about always being ready to give an answer for Jesus Christ.

Putting First Things FirstJesus was concerned about the way people focus on material possessions as being of first importance (Matthew 6:25-34). He tells us three very simple, very elementary things.

Christian UnityChrist's Prayer, Paul's Plea, God's Plan for the Unity of Believers

Christian FellowshipA lesson discussing the basis and breadth of Christian fellowship, and the barriers to it.

The Basis of FellowshipFellowship among Christians has a certain basis. People who have a common purpose, work on the same premise, and follow the same principles, will be in fellowship.

A-Grade LivingIf you wanted a mechanic to fix your car, what kind of mechanic would you rather have, a qualified A-grade mechanic or a B-grade back yard operator? Well who do you want to fix your life?

Be a Do MosterAn encouragement to give the most that you can to God rather than the least required.

BurningThree ways in which Christians burn within: conviction, outrage, and temptation.

Thomas the EnigmaThomas the apostle is an enigma. He appears briefly in the book of John, especially chapter 20.

Strong and CourageousA lesson from Joshua 1:5-7 and the three threads we find there.

The Men Among YouA challenging message to the church and its men, especially the younger men and their essential role.

Anxiety, Apathy, ActivityWe all make new year resolutions. Why not try revolutions instead? Here are three things (anxiety, apathy, activity) that you can revolutionize, and by doing so get a life.

A Sermon in My PocketThe preacher got into the pulpit, reached into his pocket for his sermon outline, and behold it was not there. He had other things in his pocket, so he used them for a sermon outline instead.

Worship of the Third KindThe first and worst kind of worship is the hypocrite's. Popular worship is the second kind. The third kind (John 4:24) is the only kind that Jesus valued .

Three New ThingsA sermon for the New Year 2011 and a new decade. New years and new decades come and go, but Jesus Christ has provided three new things that will last forever —a new covenant, new life, and a new world.

Grace to the HumbleA sermon from James 4:6-10 showing the need to be humble. There are three challenging things James tells us to do. He promises that these will change your life.

Why Do Young People Leave?Many young people are turning away from being true disciples of Jesus, including those carefully taught in Christian families and who even obeyed the gospel with genuine faith.

“Feed My Sheep”This lesson is about Peter’s love for Jesus, and the service that Peter would do for Jesus because of that love. First, we listen in while Jesus and Peter talk to each other (John 21:15-17). Then we consider Peter’s love for Jesus, the hurt that Peter felt, and the task Jesus gave him: 'Feed my sheep.'

Happy New You!As another new year begins, and everyone is wishing you a happy new year, how are you going to help that wish come true? How can you become a happy new you in this happy new year?

What Was Jesus Doing in AD17?This lesson was prepared for New Year's Day 2017. Looking back 2000 years to AD17, what do we find Jesus doing, that we might imitate him in this new year? He was in his early twenties. Whatever he was doing with his life in AD17, he was certainly not just killing time. The Bible says that Jesus was increasing in wisdom, stature, and favour. Why not be like him in 2017 ?

Ten Challenges from Jesus to YouIn this lesson we look at ten statements that Jesus made. If you consider these statements, especially in the context in which they appear, you will find them to be challenging statements indeed.

Is This Your Life's Story?Is the story of your life like that of Adam and Eve? God created them in God's own image. They were in a close relationship with him. However, Satan came and messed that up. They fell from grace. Nevertheless, through the ages, God has promised a Saviour, the only Son of God. He was willing to be the necessary sacrifice for sin so that he could securely possess all who truly believe in him.


Webservant Ron Graham

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