A special series of lessons presenting sound reasons for being a teetotaller whether or not you believe that consuming alcohol is a sin of itself. Written with Australian circumstances in mind, where alcohol abuse is endemic and causing much ruin. Tap any title next to an arrow in the list below.
➤ Abstinence and Conscience —If Jesus declared all foods clean, why was abstinence from certain foods required?
➤ Abstinence and Drunkeness —Suppose you drink without getting drunk? Is there anything wrong with that?
➤ Abstinence and Unity —How can we resolve disunity about whether it is right or wrong to consume alcoholic drinks?
➤ Abstinence and Appearances —Whilst Christianity is not an abstinence religion, abstinence from things strongly associated with evil may be necessary.
➤ Abstinence and Spirituality —God's law might permit something, but that does not necessarily make it a good thing to do.
➤ Abstinence and Will Power —It is a dangerous notion that asceticism, and the exercise of the will over the body, is the essence of holiness.
➤ Abstinence and the Teetotaller —Discusses the question of whether one must practise total abstinence from alcoholic drinks.
➤ Abstinence and Secrecy —Why private drinking of alcohol does not solve the problem of adverse influence, but total abstinence does.