➤ Prayer THREAD Lessons on Prayer —List of Bible lessons on the topic “prayer”, from simplybible.com’s study pages.
➤ Prayer SERIES Prayer and Providence —List of the lessons in the Prayer and Providence series, providing insights into prayer and how God responds to it.
➤ Prayer Sin and Prayer —If we live a life of sin, how does that affect our prayers? Does God listen to the prayers of people who won't try to stop their disobedience, believing that their sins don't hinder their prayers?
➤ Prayer Prayer and Salvation —There are things we must do to be saved. We ought to do those things prayerfully. We ought to come to Christ obeying, but also come to Christ praying. Prayer is essential in the over-all process of conversion to Christ.
➤ Prayer Prayer and Staying Saved —Once saved, there are things we must do to stay saved. We ought to do those things prayerfully. We ought to continue obeying, but also continue praying. Prayer is essential in our way of life after conversion to Christ.
➤ Praying Can We Pray to Jesus or Only to the Father? —Some people (Jehovah's Witnesses for example) believe that we must pray only to the Heavenly Father and must not pray to Jesus or the Holy Spirit. Is this true? There are several things we need to consider. Let's just take these considerations one at a time.
➤ Praying Diversity of Gifts and Ministries —The New Testament church enjoyed a diversity of gifts and ministries for stewardship of God’s manifold grace.
➤ Praying for forgiveness What 1st John Says About Sin (2) —We concentrate on how Jesus provides the way to be forgiven of sin and to conquer it through him.
➤ Preacher A Preacher’s Needs —Evangelists or preachers do such important work. Have you considered their needs?
➤ Preacher training Success in the Pulpit —A hyperlinked table of contents for the training series Success in the Pulpit. Learn how to prepare and present Bible lessons effectively.
➤ Preacher training Preparing to Preach and Teach —There are seven exercises which, taken together, will empower you to do your own independent Biblical research.
➤ Preaching Preaching the Gospel —The city’s plan for highway development, or the State’s hydro-electric scheme will not work without workers. It is like that with God’s plan of redemption.
➤ Precedent as authority Is It Scriptural? —Many Christians wish to ensure that all they do and believe has the Lord’s authority. Here's how.
Note —PRECEDENT: a previous happening that is parallel to one presently being examined. The way matters were handled in the former event (eg the flood in Noah’s time) is a basis for how the new event (eg the end of the present world) will be; handled.
➤ Predestination WORDS Predestination Defined — Several technical or special words in the Bible are studied and explained in our glossary. This lesson provides a word family, definitions, Greek/Hebrew references, a scripture chain, comments, and links, related to “predestination”.
➤ Predestination God’s Living Way —God’s way of salvation leads to the eternal life of God. Why few find it and keep hold of it.
➤ Predestination Predestination (Wonderful Words) —Two issues in predestination: first God’s sovereign will and counsel; second man’s freedom of choice.
➤ Precious Our Right Set of Values (1Peter) —Value the precious promises (1Peter 1:4). Value our precious faith (1Peter 1:7). Value the precious blood (1Peter 1:19).
➤ Precious blood The L in GLORY ~ Jesus the Lamb —The PERFECTION of Jesus as the LAMB of God whose precious blood can take away all sins of all people.
➤ Precious blood The Church Jesus Bought —Christ’s blood is the most precious material and physical thing that has ever been in this world.
➤ Premillennialism Premillennialism SERIES —A series of studies addressing the ideas and suppositions of the popular premillennial doctrines about the second coming and the kingdom of God.
➤ Preparation Preparing to Preach and Teach —There are seven exercises which, taken together, will empower you to do your own independent Biblical research.
➤ Prepositions In, With, Under —A Bible lesson built upon three powerful prepositional phrases: “in Christ”, “with Christ”, and “under Christ”.
➤ Preserved Protected and Preserved —During the times of Israel, there were many black moments when the righteous seemed to be in a hopeless and desolate state, yet by God’s providence they were rescued and made victorious.
➤ Press Pressing On to Perfection —On four occasions in the course of his letter, the writer to the Hebrews interrupts his teaching about Christ to exhort his hearers about their lack of diligence and their potential to backslide.
➤ Press Pressing On to Perfection (1988) —Study in Hebrews presented at a lectureship in 1988. Same title as another lesson in our Hebrews studies, however on this occasion I treated the subject differently.
➤ Preterism Preterism (AD70) SERIES —A short series of lessons addressing the ideas and suppositions of the preterist doctrines and the idea that the second coming of Christ occurred in AD70.
Note —PRETERISM: the doctrine that the second coming of Christ occurred at the destruction of Jerusalem circa AD70 and will not occur in the future.
➤ Price of redemption Redemption (Wonderful Words) —The rescue of sinners requires a ransom they cannot pay. Jesus paid the price with his blood, without any bargain with Satan.
➤ Priceless Five Priceless Things SERIES —A study in Ephesians chapter two. These lessons cover five themes: creation, covenant, cross, church, and citizenship.
➤ Priest WORDS “Priest” Defined — Several technical or special words in the Bible are studied and explained in our glossary. This lesson provides a word family, definitions, Greek/Hebrew references, a scripture chain, comments, and links, related to “priest”.
➤ Priesthood Studies in Hebrews SERIES —Lesson list for a comprehensive series of studies in Hebrews, with special attention to the high priesthood of’Christ.
➤ Priesthood The Tabernacle and Priesthood —Making of the tabernacle and appointment of the priesthood at Mount Sinai (Exodus 25-40, Leviticus 1-27, Numbers 1-10).
➤ Priesthood Seven Great Changes —One word that characterises the Last Days, is CHANGE. Seven great foundation changes took place centuries ago when Christ died.
➤ Priesthood Melchizedek THREAD —List of Bible lessons on the topic “Melchizedek”, from simplybible.com’s study pages.
➤ Principles Timeless Principles (Old Testament) —The Old Testament is valuable to Christians because of the timeless principles taught in the Old Testament scriptures.
➤ Principles Proverbs For Now (1) —Applying some of the surprisingly relevant Bible proverbs to our modern lives.
➤ Principles Principles of Timothy’s Ministry —Timothy is to set such an excellent example “in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity” that nobody could reasonably hold his youth against him.
➤ Principles Three Principles of a Saving Faith —Lesson on Romans 1:16-17 about the source, Privilege, and obedience of faith.
➤ Priorities The Spiritual Mind —The spiritually minded have superior desires, attitudes, values, priorities, and motivations, than do the fleshly minded.
➤ Priorities Putting First Things First —Jesus was concerned about the way people focus on material possessions as being of first importance (Matthew 6:25-34). He tells us three very simple, very elementary things.
➤ Prison Acts 16:16-40. —These verses describe Paul’s experiences and work with Silas in Philippi, including the conversion of the Philippian jailer.