➤ Keep How God Helps Us Keep His Commandments —An encouraging aspect of the providence of God.
➤ Key of David The Blessings of David —A lesson from Isaiah about the sure mercies and blessings of David and their meaning for Christians. This lesson is about the house and throne of David.
➤ Keys A Sermon in My Pocket —The preacher got into the pulpit, reached into his pocket for his sermon outline, and behold it was not there. He had other things in his pocket, so he used them for a sermon outline instead.
➤ Kindness of God Salvation (Wonderful Words) —Christians commonly talk about “salvation”, their “Saviour”, and the need to be “saved” yet some are vague about what doctrine lies behind these terms.
➤ King A King Over Israel —Tension between the will of God and the will of man. God would rather that he alone be Israel’s king, but they wanted a human king so God yielded (1Samuel 8-15).
➤ King Bible Kings and Prophets Chart —A chart listing side by side the kings of Israel, kings of Judah, and the prophets.
➤ King The King on David’s Throne —About God’s promise to David, “I will raise up your descendant after you... and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever. Your house and your kingdom... and your throne shall be established forever” (2Samuel 7:12,13,16)
➤ King So You Are a King? —Pilate asked Jesus, “So you are a king, are you?” Pilate’s question and Jesus’s answer, show us three lacks: Pilate’s lack of faith, the accusers’ lack of truth, and the disciples’ lack of violence.
➤ King The King in His Beauty (Isaiah 33:17) —This one small verse is rich with hope and encouragement, not only for Jerusalem in its dark days, but also for us in these Last Days. One day, the righteous will be given new eyes to behold the Heavenly King, in the new Jerusalem, in that faraway land where the righteous will dwell forever.
➤ King of the Jews The Inscription on the Cross —There is more in Pilate’s inscription on the cross of Christ than meets the eye. It seems even Pilate intended more to be read into it than he actually wrote.
➤ Kings Kings of Israel and Judah (Chart) —This lesson on the Assyrian captivity includes a table of the kings and prophets of Judah and Israel.
➤ Kingdom Christ, King Now Reigning —We look at the evidence in Paul’s letter to the Colossians that the kingdom of God now exists and there will not be a future kingdom on earth for 1000 years. Includes “Substance or Shadows?”
➤ Kingdom The Kingdom THREAD —List of Bible lessons on the topic “kingdom”, from simplybible.com’s study pages.
➤ Kingdom A King Over Israel —Tension between the will of God and the will of man. God would rather that he alone be Israel’s king, but they wanted a human king so God yielded (1Samuel 8-15).
➤ Kingdom David’s Throne —God’s wonderful, unfolding plan being foreshadowed as David sits on his throne in Jerusalem. He represents the Christ who will be raised up to reign from heaven.
➤ Kingdom The Glory of Solomon —The kingdom of Israel, in its earthly form, reaches its peak of glory. Solomon takes the throne of David. He builds the temple in Jerusalem. The kingdom is united, and very extensive reaching “from Daniel to Beersheba.”
➤ Kingdom The Kingdom Divided —Ten tribes rebelled against Solomon, and a second kingdom was formed with Solomon’s servant Jeroboam as king. This kingdom was apostate.
➤ Kingdom The Day of Pentecost —The promises of old come to pass in the resurrection and ascension of Christ and his outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost signifying that he is now Lord and Christ on David’s throne in heaven (Acts 2:31-36).
➤ Kingdom of Heaven The Ministry of Jesus —In his earthly ministry, Jesus preached the gospel of the kingdom in the regions of the Jordan, Galilee, Judea, Samaria, and Perea. Includes a four-gospel summary of his ministry.
➤ Kingdom of Israel The Assyrian Captivity —The beginning of the captivities as the larger kingdom (Israel) falls to Assyria and its people are taken away to foreign lands. Includes a table of the kings and prophets of Judah and Israel, plus a short piece on the supposed Ten Lost Tribes.
➤ Kingdoms Kingdoms and Tribes —Ten tribes rebelled against Solomon, and a second kingdom was formed with Solomon’s servant Jeroboam as king. This kingdom was apostate.
➤ Kinsmen The Unknown Disciples —A study of Romans 16 which names about 30 persons of whom we know nothing except what we find in this chapter.
➤ Knew I Never Knew You —Jesus says something quite astounding: many people call him Lord but he doesn't know them and calls them workers of iniquity (Matthew 7:21-27).
➤ Know They Don't Know —It's an unpleasant fact that many people in this world are ungodly and in spiritual darkness. In regard to God, they don't know what they are doing, or what they are talking about, because they don't know God. They need to know him.
➤ Knowledge To Know the Love of Christ —The love of Christ is not too deep to know. Our deepest need is to know it. His cross, counsel, and coming again, show it.
➤ Knowledge Knowledge and Ignorance: Learn Christ or Know Nothing —You can know God and his will for you, or you can be ignorant of the truth about God. Is your heart in a state of knowledge or ignorance? That's a question of absolute first importance.
➤ Knowledge Toward Our Goal —Ten principles for achieving any worthwhile goal, especially a Christian goal.